Sunday, February 10, 2008

Use As Directed

We wouldn't like ourselves if we owned a journal called "The Journal of Unintended Consequences" and we didn't comment on Heath Ledger's death. Did he intend to die? Who knows. Did he misuse and combine powerful prescription drugs? Definitely. Does it matter than some doctor prescribed them. No.

These drugs have warnings. A third grader (who may be stealing them from Mom and Dad's stash but that's another story) knows the warnings. There are warnings about dosage and combination.

Unintended consequences? Maybe. Maybe he intended to live. But he definitely knew that he wasn't taking drugs as prescribed by a competent caring doctor. Please.

I'm the one, of course, that was circumspect when a professional advised 600 Mg. of Ibuprofen as a dose for pain. Because it is 50 percent more than recommended on the (over the counter) pain reliever.

It's best if you pay attention to what you ingest, its side effects and warnings. Otherwise you and yours may be whining about unintended consequences.

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